RE: [squid-users] Unable to access a website through Suse/Squid.

From: Terry Dobbs <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 10:11:58 -0400

The internet line is DSL, and does use a username/password (PPoE).
However, on the actual DSL router (provided by ISP) I don't see any MTU

I will have to look into ip tables. I can add static routes via the
interface card which are permanent, however doing it this way doesn't
give me any options for mss, mtu, etc.. All I can enter this way is
Source, Destination, Gateway.

-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Nordstrom []
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 6:19 PM
To: Terry Dobbs
Subject: RE: [squid-users] Unable to access a website through

fre 2008-04-04 klockan 13:56 -0400 skrev Terry Dobbs:
> Thanks so much, the advmss worked like a charm. How do I make it so
> route stays there? When I restart networking it seems to vanish.

Some things first.. you should figure out if the MTU is local or remote.
As it's mostly you having issues I would suspect it's local. In such
case you should have a lower mss on the default route to make TCP/IP
work better.

How are you connected to the Internet? ADSL with PPPoE, or some other
tunneling method which has a lover MTU than the default 1500?

How to set the routing is quite distribution dependent, and I am not
very familiar with SuSE. But on the good side you can use iptables to
acheive the same thing, or maybe rules in your router.

Received on Sat Apr 05 2008 - 08:13:58 MDT

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