Re: [squid-users] YouTube and other streaming media (caching)

From: Adrian Chadd <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 09:58:02 +0800

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008, Ray Van Dolson wrote:

> And here is the store_url_rewrite script. I added some logging:


> Could likely remove the last elsif block at this point as it's catching
> on the previous one now. But this is working great! Probably some
> tuning yet to be done. Maybe someone could update the wiki with the
> new regexp syntax.

I'm keeping a slightly updated version of this stuff in my customer
site. That way I can (try!) to keep on top of changes in the rules and
notify customers when they need to update their scripts. The last thing
I want to see is 100 different versions of my youtube caching hackery
installed in places and causing trouble in the future.


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Received on Tue Apr 22 2008 - 13:54:41 MDT

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