Re: [squid-users] rtmp protocol

From: Amos Jeffries <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 16:04:14 +1200 (NZST)

> I've been looking myself but they (Adobe) keep it pretty tightly
> held. The most common google hit is Routing Table Maintenance
> Protocol from AppleTalk, which is completely unrelated.
> Adobe people don't really know much about it and I can't get to the
> Developers. When I call Adobe and ask about RTMP, I get shuffled
> around to just about every department.
> There is Red5, an Open Source reverse engineering project out there
> who may have someone that has more info:
> - <-- Brief description
> - <-- OS Project
> - <-- Refers to Red5 again
> I was hoping it was RTSP-like because it is related to streaming but
> from what I can tell, it is not really that similar.
> Paul

Thank you. Assuming the protocol spec is accurate:

The protocol port is NOT 80 or 443. But apparently 1935. And like other
streams would require a proprietary or hacked client software to

If you want to proxy it you should look for a general-purpose proxy or SOCKS.

If you want to lock it set port 1935 into your firewall.


> On Apr 30, 2008, at 7:52 PM, Adrian Chadd wrote:
>> Is there a protocol spec somewhere?
>> Adrian
>> On Wed, Apr 30, 2008, Paul Bertain wrote:
>>> RTMP is Adobe's protocol used for streaming. As Amos says, RTMP !=
>>> HTTP but it is going to be delivered over Ports 80 & 443, as you have
>>> already seen. Adobe Flash Media Server contains a caching component,
>>> I believe, so if you control the content, you might want to look into
>>> that (rather expensive) option.
>>> Paul
>>> On Apr 30, 2008, at 5:12 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>>>> sonjaya wrote:
>>>>> Dear all
>>>>> I have setup squid with delay pools , but some user using rtmp
>>>>> protocol and using port 443 port for download file .flv
>>>>> I try to see in access.log but nothing recorder , how come ...?
>>>>> so my question how to make rtmp protocol to join in delay pools or
>>>>> should i forward rtmp protocol to squid ?
>>>>> Thank's
>>>> HTTP != RTMP.
>>>> Squid is NOT a general-purpose proxy. It is a WEB proxy.
>>>> Amos
>>>> --
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