Re: [squid-users] Daily log rotate

From: Amos Jeffries <>
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 00:25:19 +1300

Bora �zden wrote:
> Hi Amos,
> Thanks for your answer. What i have on the /etc/logrotate.d/squid on
> an Redhat Enterprise 5.2 installation is
> /var/log/squid/access.log {
> weekly
> rotate 5
> copytruncate
> compress
> notifempty
> missingok
> }
> /var/log/squid/cache.log {
> weekly
> rotate 5
> copytruncate
> compress
> notifempty
> missingok
> }
> /var/log/squid/store.log {
> weekly
> rotate 5
> copytruncate
> compress
> notifempty
> missingok
> # This script asks squid to rotate its logs on its own.
> # Restarting squid is a long process and it is not worth
> # doing it just to rotate logs
> postrotate
> /usr/sbin/squid -k rotater

... has an extra 'r ' that should not be there.

this place also needs the script that does
> endscript
> }
> I dont know all the words /options on this script. so thats what i want
> to find out. when i look at the examples at google i nearly all see that

See the logrotate manual "man logrotate" for details on all the options
it accepts.

> (while giving example and also troubleshooting questions) no one nearly
> talks about any other path on the script except /var/log/squid
> (access.log,store.log) . It sound strange to me am i the one only uses
> different path for proxy logs (i use something /data...) or this script
> only wants this /var/log path. Cause ill edit it to use my real
> /data... path.

Not a problem, logrotate makes no assumptions about the logs.
Wherever you put them is what its filenames need to use.

All the descriptions use /var/log/squid or /var/logs/squid because those
are the default locations for Linux/BSD. Many people have other
locations, but the defaults are better used for public documents.

> And also the server was giving error while making squid -k
> rotate/reconfigure etc. service squid stop didnt worked and it seemed
> that system couldnt find the pid of the squid (or an old pid which is
> not recently used). Restarting the whole system worked and i did a
> manual squid -k rotate and it made the access.log change.

(extra 'r ', see above.)

> Regards
> Bora Ozden
> Amos Jeffries wrote:
>> Bora �zden wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would like to make the squid logs to be rotated and looking at the
>>> /etc/logrotate.d/squid file but not sure about all the parameters (what
>>> they mean) written there. I need then make them archived (send to a
>>> server via ftp, have an old script doing this at the old server , will
>>> look at it and copy it to the production one) .And also when i give the
>>> command
>>> squid -k rotate command to rotate the log files i get " No running copy"
>>> , but the proxy is working and still giving service, also can see on
>>> the tail -f access.log.
>>> So for doing this logrotate smoothly (not to fail) i wanted also to ask
>>> to the list.
>>> Regards
>>> Bora Ozden
>> Something like this:
>> set squid.conf:
>> logfile_rotate 0
>> Then in logrotate.d/squid (this is just off the top of my head, check
>> the docs for corrections):
>> postrotate {
>> squid -k rotate
>> /script/to/process/logfile /var/logs/suid/access.log.1
>> }
>> Amos

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   Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE13
   Current Beta Squid
Received on Fri Feb 27 2009 - 11:25:00 MST

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