Re: [squid-users] bandwidht control with delay_pools

From: Leonardo Carneiro <>
Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 15:44:22 -0300

Hi Dayo and others,

The documentation you sended was very useful.

Is there a way to allow a user to use the full bandwidth when avaible,
but try to assure a minimum bandwidth when lots of users are using the
link. For example, with a 1Mb link. When user A is downloading a file,
it uses the full bandwitdh, and other user can barely browse the web. My
goal is to allow user A to download with full speed when the link is
'idle', but garantee at least 128k for the other users, when the try to
access some page.

Is it possible with squid?

Dayo Adewunmi escreveu:
> Leonardo Carneiro wrote:
>> i've tried to create a bandwidth control using delay_pools, but was a
>> total failure. i don't think a fully understood how the process works =S
>> someone here managed to configure this feature once?
>> i'm using 3.0PRE6
>> tks in advance and sorry about my poor english
> Have a look at the delay_pools page on the wiki:
> Regards
> Dayo

*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Log�stica.* <> <>
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Received on Mon May 25 2009 - 18:44:33 MDT

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