Le jeudi 10 septembre 2009 06:22:34, Amos Jeffries a �crit :
> Muhammad Sharfuddin wrote:
> > squid cache 2.7 STABLE5
> > squid cahce 3.0 STABLE19
> >
> > I am using the following memory/cache replacement policy
> >
> > memory_replacement_policy heap LFUDA
> > cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA
> >
> > are they(heap LFUDA) best or most recommended ? or should I left them
> > default.
> The defaults there were last tuned years ago and is not heap at all.
> Read the descriptions of each carefully, the ones I saw a while back
> covered several scenarios of traffic patterns and sizes and how the
> policies worked in different network needs.
> Pick the one which matches your visitor behaviour. Nobody else can
> identify the best one for you with any accuracy.
> Amos
I did change my memory_replacement_policy, and mean_object_size because server
is in production, a -k reconfigure is enoght or I must stop and start squid
Received on Wed Sep 23 2009 - 16:29:05 MDT
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