Re: [squid-users] reverse proxy for ssl sites

From: Matus UHLAR - fantomas <>
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 10:56:04 +0100

>> On 26-12-2009 5:06, Guido Marino Lorenzutti wrote:
>>> Hi people!
>>> Im using squid for reverse proxing a lot of sites for quite a few
>>> years. The thing is that I have severeal sites that i need to give ssl
>>> support and i can't find a way to tell the squid to act the same way
>>> that he acts for the non ssl connections.
>>> This is my setup to work with the non ssl connections. I try and it
>>> dosen't work by just telling to listen also in the port 443. Any links
>>> that can help?

> Angelo H�ngens <> escribi�:
>> Here's an example squid config on my blog for a squid that listens on ssl:

On 28.12.09 10:12, Guido Marino Lorenzutti wrote:
> This was helpfull. Now im facing a new problem, I use Debian and the
> package dosen't have ssl support (yacks!). But this I can solve by
> myself.

well, seems that linking squid (GPL) with openssl is problematic...

support of GnuTLS would help here. Or relicensing squid ;-)

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [email protected] ;
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Received on Tue Dec 29 2009 - 09:56:10 MST

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