Le Mercredi 10 F�vrier 2010 12:49:47, vous avez �crit :
> > dont top list,
> >
> > we have seveal heavy load squids, and we realized that sometimes inet
> > surf is slow, we've discovered that it is because IO (as you see in
> > your top command more than 1% of IO waiting), so we purge our cache to
> > dont let it rise cache_swap_high percentage very often
> The iowait time is more than 1%, at times between 20-50%. We've tried
> purging the cache a few times but that only appears to give temporary
> relief to the issue. I was looking to tune our configuration more
> before ruling out the need for more caching servers or looking into
> faster disks for just the cache.
You may also change your filesystem, raiser4 or extf4,
make a bigger cach� ,
use other policy
if you have enoguht ram, increase your mem cache and your
maximum_mem_cache_object_size (or something like this) so your discache goes
Received on Wed Feb 10 2010 - 19:06:16 MST
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