Re: [squid-users] R: [squid-users] HTTP/1.0 417 Expectation failed

From: Henrik Nordstr�m <>
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 21:45:54 +0100

lör 2010-02-20 klockan 11:08 +0100 skrev Riccardo Castellani:
> >2) Squid recognizes a broken request (with a header that it can't
> >handle)...
> 1- Do you reference "broken request" because you want to say that there is
> written both "expect:100 continue" header and http/1.0 protocol ?
> If it was so, Squid should break connection if I don't use
> "ignore_expect_100 on" option

Broken is bad wording.

RFC2616 has very strict requirements on how proxies need to act on
"Expect: 100-continue", requiring proxies to respond with 417 in many

> if Squid ignored broken request (with a header that it can't handle +
> http/1.0 specified ) HTTP Server always would give 417 error ?

No, but the client would be left in the uncertain land of never actually
getting an 100 Continue response.

Received on Sat Feb 20 2010 - 20:46:00 MST

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