Re: [squid-users] error, logs say TCP_DENIED

From: Henrik Nordstr�m <>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 21:50:14 +0100

mån 2010-02-22 klockan 18:06 +0100 skrev Kees Hink:
> I'd like to make squid pass requests to pound, but i'm getting an error: "The
> requested URL could not be retrieved" ( The squid
> access log says ""1266857413.088 0 TCP_DENIED/400 2212 GET
> NONE:// - NONE/- text/html

invalid request, and is also what the error message said.

How is your http_port configured? Smells to me like you have not
configured if for reverse proxy mode..

Received on Tue Feb 23 2010 - 20:50:21 MST

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