Re: [squid-users] One instance as both, proxy and reverse proxy

From: Henrik Nordstr�m <>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 21:59:05 +0100

tis 2010-02-23 klockan 16:26 +0100 skrev Bastian Spanneberg:

> What still doesn't work is, that I can access the web apps running on
> the SERVICES machine via http://localhost. When I have the proxy enabled
> in my browser, I can visit access them via, but
> localhost doesn't work. It works when I add the

localhost is not in your list of sites/domains to forward to the
SERVICES cache_peer...

but most do not want this.. they want localhost services to be
restricted to browsers running on the same box, not random clients out
anywhere on the net..

> Another problem is that the authentication on the SERVICES machine
> doesn't work through the forward proxy. Whenever I try to authenticate,
> Squid logs
> 1266935951.663 2 TCP_MISS/401 1717 GET

You need to tell Squid that the peer is trusted for forwarding login
credentials. See the login= option to cache_peer.

Received on Tue Feb 23 2010 - 20:59:09 MST

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