Re: [squid-users] a keepalive problem about NTLM authentication pass through

From: Henrik Nordstr�m <>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 18:16:04 +0200

fre 2010-05-14 klockan 23:01 +0900 skrev Mikio Kishi:

> > The first condition "orig_request->flags.must_keepalive" should have
> > triggered when seeing NTLM/Negotiate/Kerberos passthru.
> I think so, too !
> Could you fix it ?

If I had a bit of free time yes.

You are welcome to give it a stab if you want. The logics setting this
flags is in

Received on Fri May 14 2010 - 16:16:08 MDT

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