Re: [squid-users] trigger rediredt_url_program if there is a change in ip address

From: Henrik Nordstr�m <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 13:41:16 +0200

tor 2010-05-20 klockan 17:00 +0630 skrev jyothi:
> change in the system ip address. I am working on a project which detects the change in
> the connection (wired to wireless and so on) and based on the change, I need to take a
> appropriate action. Lets say I switch from WiFi to mobile broadband while browsing, I
> want to get a lighter version of web page.

If you are using NetworkManager then an easy spot for integrating things
like this is by placing a action in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/

This is used by the Squid rpm on Fedora to automatically react on
network interface changes which changes /etc/resolv.conf and some other
important parameters.

Received on Thu May 20 2010 - 11:41:25 MDT

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