Re: [squid-users] Runcache script- Lot of confusion

From: Henrik Nordstr�m <>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 09:12:35 +0200

lör 2010-05-22 klockan 14:11 +0000 skrev GIGO .:

> Please guide about runcache script behaviour uptil now i have only
> understood this that this script will check and autorestart squid in
> case of failure.

Yes, but so does the builtin service monitor.

RunCache is generally not recommended these days. Even removed from the
Squid distribution.

A sample init.d script is in contrib/squid.rc. You can also find
suitable squid init.d scripts in nearly every free OS distribution by
looking at their squid package.

Received on Mon May 24 2010 - 07:12:39 MDT

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