ok what i understand is in the posix regular expression you encode special characters . ? + ( ) with a back slash only and no need of (single quote+backslash) is required which is a must in grep.
Bilal Aslam
> Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 23:11:08 +1200
> From: squid3_at_treenet.co.nz
> To: squid-users_at_squid-cache.org
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] Confusion regarding regex
> GIGO . wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please need your guidance regarding the regex used by squid. Is it bre ere or perl? I assume that squid using a gnurep compatible version? Am i right?
> POSIX regular expressions.
>> In grep to use some metacharacter we have to encode it which are �\?�, �\+�, �\{�, �\|�, �\(�, and �\)� does this hold true to write regex for squid as well?
> Yes. I know for at least these: \. \? \+ \( \)
> Not sure about the others.
>> acl MP3url urlpath_regex \.mp3(\?.*)?$ isnt this expression should be written as \.mp3'\(''\?'.*'\)''\?'$
> No. It means the text ".mp3" ending the path (aka the MP3 file
> extension), with optional query string parameters following.
> Which matches URI standard syntax:
> protocol ':' '/' '/' domain '/' path '?' parameters
> Amos
> --
> Please be using
> Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.4
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