Re: [squid-users] Refresh contents eith ETAG in Squid

From: Henrik Nordstr�m <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 19:15:47 +0200

mån 2010-06-21 klockan 18:21 +0200 skrev Daniel Gomez:
> How can I make Squid to ask to my webserver if a content has the same
> ETAG everytime the content is requested?
> I have Squid in front of a Plone. When a user checks a web as
> anonymous and then logs-in and checks the same page, keeps seen it as
> Anonymous; but If the user refresh the site then can see it as logged.
> The ETAGs are diferent for an anonymous and for a logged user.
> Any idea how to solve that?

Vary based on whatever is identifying the user as logged in (Cookie I

But this will pretty much invalidate the whole cache in most cases.

Better solution: Redesign the site to not differentiate between logged
in or anonymous users for the actual content, and have the CMS add
logged in functionality on the client side by using DOM instead. This
way only one javascrip needs to be dependent on if the user is anonymous
or logged in, not the whole site.

Another solution but not as transparent to the users: Use slightly
different URLs for logged in or anonymous access. I.e. https for
authenticated users and http for anonymous access.

Received on Mon Jun 21 2010 - 17:15:50 MDT

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