Re: [squid-users] TPROXY4 + Fedora 13

From: Henrik Nordstr�m <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 21:55:37 +0200

ons 2010-07-07 klockan 13:56 +0100 skrev Damian O'Neill:

> Using Fedora 13 I get the following binaries, comparing these to the prereqs the are all > the defined versions:

Fedora 13 SHOULD support TPROXY out of the box. I have not verified yet
however. Fedora 12 (with updates) do work fine.

There is an selinux boolean for enabling the needed support in the
selinux policy.

Your ip routing (rule & route) and iptables rules all looks fine to me.

> In this configuration I can connect directly to 3128 using firefox and return webpages. Turning the proxy setting off in Firefox the browser hangs then times out.

What is your network configuration? (one of)

  - Proxy server as router?
  - Proxy server as bridge?
  - Proxy server using WCCP2 with bidirectional profile?

> >From the client if I try to ping an address in the internet the ping hangs.

Then you have some other networking issue I would say.. the two is most
likely related.

Received on Tue Jul 13 2010 - 19:55:43 MDT

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