On 16/11/10 02:03, Landy Landy wrote:
> --- On Sun, 11/14/10, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>> From: Amos Jeffries
>> Landy Landy wrote:
>>> Error de lectura
>>> El sistema ha devuelto el siguiente mensaje:
>>> (104) Connection reset by
>> peer
>>> Ha ocurrido alg�n problema mientras se le�an datos
>> de la red. Por favor,
>>> int�ntelo de nuevo.
>> This is a different error to the one earlier. The hotmail
>> server(s) are
>> blocking/rejecting your access.
>> I think this particular one is due to their HTTPS
>> authentication checking
>> IPs. The workaround to that is tproxy or not proxying for
>> hotmail.
>> Amos
> So, I should not cache/proxy hotmail, yahoo, and facebook.
> Is this how?
> acl someserver dstdomain .live.com .yahoo.com .facebook
> cache deny someserver
> is that correct?
No. It has to be done in your NAT rules so the requests to hotmail.com
and live.com never get into Squid.
The other way which apparently works is TPROXY.
This makes Squid use the same IP on the http:// requests that the client
used on its other https:// requests.
-- Please be using Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.9 Beta testers wanted for on Mon Nov 15 2010 - 13:49:53 MST
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