Re: [squid-users] Percentege cache

From: igor rocha <>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2011 22:22:27 -0300

I more thank Amos, but if anyone has any other tips, information, help me

2011/4/8 Amos Jeffries <>:
> On 09/04/11 02:49, igor rocha wrote:
>> ?
>> 2011/4/8 igor rocha<>:
>>> Hello,
>>> I know that does not formulate the right question, I am Brazilian and
>>> not mastered English well, but talk about commonly used metrics to
>>> measure the effectiveness of the cache and the amount of bandwidth
>>> saved is hit ratio, defined as the percentage of requests that are
>>> satisfied by the proxy as cache hits.Show me the average percentage of
>>> index pages that are not cached,a paper.
>>> understand?
> Ah. I think so.
> I'm not aware of any papers on that. It is highly variable between networks.
> �We do have two general "rule-of-thumbs";
> �* that reverse-proxy (CDN) see hit ratios usually around 80%-99% for a
> website.
> �* that forward-proxy (ISP) see hit rations between 25% and 45%.
> with variance outside of those ranges for older Squid versions and poorly
> written websites.
> This is general-knowledge built up from years of small talks with people
> looking at and discussion of their cache ratios. Nothing published exactly.
> We have in recent years attempted to collects statistics on these. Which can
> be found at along with
> the methodology used for collection.
> Amos
>>> 2011/4/8 Amos Jeffries wrote:
>>>> On 08/04/11 02:48, igor rocha wrote:
>>>>> Hello Gentlemen,
>>>>> could anyone tell me what percentage of sites that are required for
>>>>> the cache and actually go into the cache, can be an article that
>>>>> talksabout it, something that helps me to have concrete statistical
>>>>> data.
>>>> Please explain your meaning of "required for the cache".
>>>> 100% of squid cacheable sites get cached. Admin often force>100% to be
>>>> cached.
>>>> I suspect you mean something else though.
>>>> Amos
>>>> --
>>>> Please be using
>>>> �Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.12
>>>> �Beta testers wanted for
> --
> Please be using
> �Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.12
> �Beta testers wanted for
Received on Sat Apr 09 2011 - 01:22:35 MDT

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