Hi Amos,
Thanks for your answer.
My problem is if a ftp site use both default anonymous and login/password, squid not send login/password and only use anonymous.
I tried without Squid proxy and login/password in url based is ok for this ftp site.
----- Mail original -----
De�: Amos Jeffries <[email protected]>
��: [email protected]
Envoy� le : Vendredi 16 D�cembre 2011 9h54
Objet�: Re: [squid-users] Anonymous FTP and login pass url based
On 16/12/2011 9:28 p.m., Al Batard wrote:
> Hi,
> I use squid3.1.18 / dansguardian on Centos 5.7 and I meet a problem with FTP.
> When I connect to a ftp site in anonymous through a web browser, no soucy.
> When I connect to a ftp site with no anonymous configured as default, with ftp://login:pass@ftp-site through a web browser, no soucy. "ftp_epsv" parameter is off (default on). The popup appears on the screen.
> But when I connect to a ftp site using anonymous as default and if I'm using login/password to access a specific folder, ftp://login:pass@ftp-site not works.
> It seems that if anonymous is ok on the ftp site, not using login/password of the url ftp://login:pass@ftp-site.
So what is the problem then?
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