When using squid, configured with 4 workers, i can see segfault
from one of the workers (don't know why currently).
squid3[6832]: segfault at 7fff4b271ff8 ip 00000000005bb7e1 sp
00007fff4b272000 error 6 in squid3[400000+3c8000]
Logs are plenty of :
2012/01/19 06:26:07 kid3| varyEvaluateMatch: Oops. Not a Vary object on
second attempt, 'http://www.lefigaro.fr/scripts/FigaroTools.js?20110728'
2012/01/19 06:26:07 kid3| clientProcessHit: Vary object loop!
I would have expected that the squid coordinator restart the faulty
worker, but it don't append.
I can't see anything in the log regarding that.
Is there a way to restart properly a worker?
And what can i do to debug a faulty worker?
-- Jean-Philippe Menil - P�le r�seau Service IRTS DSI Universit� de Nantes jean-philippe.menil_at_univ-nantes.fr Tel : - Fax : on Thu Jan 19 2012 - 10:46:00 MST
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