Hi All,
I get no errors at all, just a blank page. My squid.conf is here:
The lines below are the only lines in the log referencing virk.dk
1327906917.099 � � 96 TCP_MISS/200 595 GET
http://www.virk.dk/cms/render/live/da/sites/virk/home.html -
DIRECT/ text/html
1327906917.223 � � 21 TCP_MISS/200 1678 GET
http://www.virk.dk/favicon.ico - DIRECT/ image/x-icon
1327994960.493 � � 89 TCP_MISS/200 595 GET
http://www.virk.dk/cms/render/live/da/sites/virk/home.html -
DIRECT/ text/html
1328084393.101 � � 55 TCP_MISS/302 555 GET
http://virk.dk/ - DIRECT/ -
1328084393.156 � � 52 TCP_MISS/200 520 GET
http://virk.dk/cms/render/live/da/sites/virk/home.html -
DIRECT/ text/html
1328084393.266 � � 19 TCP_MISS/200 1678 GET
http://virk.dk/favicon.ico - DIRECT/ image/x-icon
1328084398.860 � � 55 TCP_MISS/200 520 GET
http://virk.dk/cms/render/live/da/sites/virk/home.html -
DIRECT/ text/html
2012/2/1 Sebastian Muniz <basurerosebita_at_gmail.com>:
> Hello Brian,
> Can you put on pastebin or some other place the squid.conf ?
> What is the error squid gives you when trying to access virk.dk ?
> Can you please include the relevant lines from the access.log ?
> Regards
> Sebastian
> On 2/1/2012 6:49 AM, Brian Andersen wrote:
>> Hi I have squid running on a ubuntu server with shorewall. I am using
>> the default squid config files and I have only blocked one site (which
>> isn't virk.dk). All sites works perfectly, except http://virk.dk If I
>> do not redirect my traffic through Squid it works perfectly
>> Can any here please check that site (it is a public company site in
>> Denmark), and maybe enlighten me on what settings I have to change to
>> get it to work.
>> Kind Regards,
>> brian K. Andersen
Received on Thu Feb 02 2012 - 10:34:49 MST
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