Re: [squid-users] squid sessions behind NAT

From: Matus UHLAR - fantomas <>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2012 14:13:11 +0100

On 11.02.12 07:36, Vyacheslav Maliev wrote:
>Hi! Tell me please, how i could delimit sessions in session helper for
>users behind the NAT against proxy squid? For example, users connect
>to proxy squid server throught VPN by router and they have one IP
>address for squid after NAT. If i need to show splash page for the
>each user, what can i do?

configure them to authenticate and configure splash page per user, not
per IP.

Or, make them all have different IP visible by squid.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [email protected] ;
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Received on Tue Feb 14 2012 - 13:13:16 MST

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