[squid-users] in squid using ssl_bump+tranparent options causes redirect-loop error at browser

From: Ahmed Talha Khan <auny87_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 14:56:51 +0500

I am trying to setup squid as a transparent proxy with the ssl bump
options enables as outlined in the article. However there is a problem
with all pages that have ssl/tls connections eg.
mail.yahoo.com,login.facebook.com. The browser gives me the error
�This webpage has re-direst loops�. Why is that happening? I was able
to buy pass the problem by removing the �transparent� keyword from the
config of http_port. But i want to know why this is happening.

Here is the relevant portion of my squid.cong file

always_direct allow all
ssl_bump allow all

http_port ssl-bump

https_port ssl-bump

If i put in the transparent keyword in it, i get the problem. can
anybody help me with this?

-Ahmed Talha Khan
-Ahmed Talha Khan
Received on Thu Apr 05 2012 - 09:56:57 MDT

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