Re: [squid-users] Using squid as transparent proxy causes problem with pages on https

From: Ahmed Talha Khan <>
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 14:15:19 +0500

Worked like a charm :) !!

The Cons of hard-coding :). The patch however was not directly
applicable because of the changes in the sources of 3.1.19, but it
worked. What are the side-effects of removing this.? Also https pages
are now opening but some of them are looking weird and missing objects
like images or proper layout. Some of them look messed up. Any
comments on that?

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 1:15 PM, Ahmed Talha Khan <> wrote:
> What will be the implications of reversing the change?
> On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 12:30 PM, Amos Jeffries <> wrote:
>> On 16/04/2012 6:46 p.m., Ahmed Talha Khan wrote:
>>> These options of vport and protocol are valid in the accelerator
>>> mode(reverse-mode) whereas i am using the forward mode.
>> Aw. heck. I think we have bite-back from
>> The temporary workaround applied was to hard-code http:// scheme on
>> intercepted requests. At the time it made sense, but now not so much.
>> You can reverse the patch
>> for now to get it going (mostly).
>> The port changes needed for full fix to that bug are nearly ready for audit
>> now. I will push that a little harder to get it finished.
>> Amos
>>> On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 10:30 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>>>> On 13/04/2012 10:50 p.m., Ahmed Talha Khan wrote:
>>>>> Hey Amos,
>>>>> I made headway with the the problem :).. I think the looping is
>>>>> happening because squid is proxying the https port traffic onto http
>>>>> port on the way out.
>>>>> clientt----https=443---------->squid---------http=80----->origin server
>>>>> I can see the external connection being setup-ed on port 80 whereas it
>>>>> should have been on port 443. That is why the server keeps sending me
>>>>> back the same url to re-direct to.. This is my theory...What do you
>>>>> think about it? Also how i can make squid to output the original port
>>>>> 443 �traffic on port 443 when connecting to the external servers...i
>>>>> could see something you mentioned to another guy here
>>>>> This example was a reverse proxy example and might not work for
>>>>> me...Any suggestions? I think we are about to crack it !!:)
>>>> The problem there seemed to be caused by the cache_peer being a
>>>> plain-HTTP
>>>> link.
>>>> Your seems to be more a matter of the URL interpretation not being quite
>>>> right. "vport=443" and/or "protocol=https" might work.
>>>> Amos
> --
> Regards,
> -Ahmed Talha Khan

-Ahmed Talha Khan
Received on Mon Apr 16 2012 - 09:15:32 MDT

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