Re: [squid-users] Squid 3.1.10 CentOS : cache_swap_log (13) Permission Denied

From: Christophe Marchand <>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 15:50:20 +0100

/var/log/squid exists, is owned by squid:squid and is empty
setting cache_swap_log to none produces the same error, but file name
has changed : none.00

I couldn't find this problem into docs, neither into Wiki , but googling
this reports many thread entries, but no solution in these threads
solved my problem.

Best regards,

Le 18/12/2012 14:49, Eliezer Croitoru a �crit :
> On 12/18/2012 03:09 PM, Christophe Marchand wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have the following problem : when I do not declare a cache dir, my
>> squid starts correctly and runs perfectly. When I uncomment the
>> cache_dir line, it fails with this message :
>> 2012/12/18 11:31:18| /var/cache/squid/.00: (13) Permission denied
>> FATAL: commonUfsDirOpenSwapLog: Failed to open swap log.
>> My squid.conf is :
>> cache_dir aufs /drive/squid_cache/ 344064 64 64
>> coredump_dir /var/spool/squid
>> access_log none
>> cache_store_log none
>> cache_swap_log /var/cache/squid/
>> ls -al /var/cache returns this :
>> drwxrw-r--. 2 squid squid 4096 18 d�c. 10:56 squid
>> ps -ef | grep squid does not show a squid running
>> I've read all threads on this, but found no solution.
> And what about Docs?
>> Any help will be much appreciated.
> NP
> As squid told you it has a problem writing or accessing you logs
> file/dir/
> The first thing to do is to put the right logs directory and permissions.
> You need to run "ls -al /var/cache/squid" to see whats inside squid dir.
> As an advice it will not be smart to use the same directory for cache
> and logs.
> you can also disable logs at all to minimize the problem.
> use "cache_swap_log none"
> and see if it solves you problem.
> Regards,
> Eliezer
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Christophe
Received on Tue Dec 18 2012 - 14:50:28 MST

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