On 06/11/2013 02:36 PM, Marcus Kool wrote:
>> So my question is... a more direct and precise question, just about ufdbGuard. While ufdbGuard
>> reloads its URL database, does it pauses answering queries ? If yes, how long does it takes ?
> ufdbGuard does not pause answering queries from Squid during a reload since that would pause Squid
> and is considered an interruption of service.
> ufdbGuard releases the current URL database, loads a new configuration and loads a new URL database
> in 10 seconds on average.
> ufdbGuard has a configurable behaviour in this 10-second interval and does either one of:
> - allow all URLs; send immediately an "OK" back to Squid (default)
> - allow all URLs but also introduce artifical delays when sending replies back to Squid.
> The effect is that traffic is slowed down and the total number of unfiltered URLs is reduced.
> - deny all URLs; send immediately and "not OK" back to Squid. The end user receives a message like
> "try again in a few moments".
Yes, there IS an "interruption of service" because during 10 seconds ufdbGuard doesn't work as it
should do : URL filtering based on the URL database.
You should use "degraded service" instead of "interruption of service".
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