Re: [squid-users] squid cpu problem

From: Ayham Abou Afach <>
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2014 15:29:17 +0200

On 02/03/2014 10:37 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> On 2014-02-04 00:00, Ayham Abou Afach wrote:
>> Dear All
>> i have problem with squid
>> CPU spikes for 100% some times for random times from seconds to
>> minutes . in this time traffic goes down and squid seems to be hanging
>> and after this every thing become normal and the process continue
>> working without shutdown and even any change in PID ..
>> i tried squid 3.1 , 2.7 with the same problem i have solid state disks
>> for small objects , and the same config is used on three other servers
>> could be a hardware issue ( i don't see any error in syslog )
>> Best regards
>> Ayham
> Are you sure it is Squid and not something else in the system?
there is nothing on system but squid and named and what is clear in top
command that squid is taking 100% CPU some times
and when try to strace to this process while it's hanging the strace
hangs without going into process
> (eg. memory swapping, kernel loading/unloading something big from
RAM, SSD controllers recovering broken sectors with blocking I/O
operations, schtuff like that...)
vmstat shows wa ( CPU wait ) less than 2 ( using ssd disks )
how can i monitor the other things like disk controllers or other things
> Does it still occur with the latest stable Squid? (3.4.3 today).
i didn't try squid 3.4 yet
> Amos
Received on Fri Feb 07 2014 - 13:29:25 MST

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