Re: [squid-users] question about large rock

From: k simon <>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 00:23:14 +0800


  I tested rock storage again with real traffic. It's about 300req/s,
60-80Mbit/s. Squid verison is 3.3.11 and on freebsd 10-stable box. I
create a 16GB size "rock" and limit the swap rate to 200, swap timeout
to 300.
  When it's full filled, I reconfigured it. Iostat display the disk rps
is about 200/s and throughput about 4MBytes/s. It's spent 61 minutes to
 rebuilding sucessfully, but the worker report it "register failed" 30
minutes ago. Rebuliding waste too long time, it's really a problem for
the forward proxy, and I am interested in what's "many factors" I can
realize or tuning it.


> On 01/27/2014 05:26 AM, k simon wrote:
>> I noticed large rock have merged to squid 3.5, I have some question
>> about your large rock patch.
> Hello Simon,
>> 1,Does large rock support non-SMP instance?
> Yes. Rock store can be used in non-SMP mode (as defined at [1]). Rock
> store uses blocking disk I/O in non-SMP mode.
> Please note that if your Squid is SMP-capable (e.g., atomics are
> supported) and SMP is allowed (e.g., no -N), then Squid will start one
> disker process per Rock cache_dir and, hence, will use SMP mode, even if
> you have a single worker.
>> I know the rock store must used with worker.
> Not sure what you mean. Squid cannot work without a worker. Diskers are
> not required for Rock store. Without diskers, the performance should be
> significantly worse though because blocking disk I/O will block the
> entire worker process. For SMP terminology, please see [1].
>> 2,Does large rock solve rebuilding time too long issue?
> Current large rock has about the same cache index building time as small
> rock. Whether that time is "too long" depends on many factors, but we
> have not optimized anything in that area (yet).
>> 3,Can large rock support range splice?
> I do not think Squid itself supports range splicing. If Squid supports
> them, Rock store should support them as well.
> HTH,
> Alex.
> [1]
Received on Wed Feb 12 2014 - 16:23:35 MST

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