Re: Squid access.log Messages

From: John Sloan <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 13:18:18 +0100 (BST)

On Thu, 12 Jun 1997, Samath Wijesundara wrote:

> At 01:38 PM 6/11/97 +0100, John Sloan wrote:
> >
> >On Mon, 9 Jun 1997, Samath Wijesundara wrote:
> >
> >> >>It explains that
> >> >> The object was requested from the origin server
> >> >> because the 'source_ping' reply arrived first.
> >> >
> >> >>But I never see this SOURCE_FASTEST on my log file even when I try to
> >> >>access a local (Sri Lankan) site. Do you know why. I have both pinger and
> >> >>'query_icmp on' in action too!
> >> >
> >> >Try debug_options ALL,1 15,6 and look for /neighborsUdpPing/ in your
> >> >cache.log. (WARNING: This could make your cache.log grow very large
> >> >in a short time) There you can see if source_ping is used or not. If
> >> >it is used then your neighbor/parent-caches are faster than your
> >> >sources.
> >>
> >> I can see the /neighborsUdpPing/ in my logfile. I wonder, my local sites
> >> which are local to me is faster than the parents. So it should have
> >> SOURCE_FASTEST. I am using 2 parents in USA, the fastet RTT is 300ms to
> >> these, and my local sites are at maximum 80ms or less. But generally squid
> >> get local sites DIRECT, but not SOURCE_FASTEST ?
> >
> >Source fastest will only work if the server at the far end has udp echo
> >enabled.
> >
> >John
> John, Thanks,
> I am using following at the far end
> They are parents and they should have udp echo enabled ??

Source fastest doesn't send a udp echo packet to your parents. It sends
that packet to the webserver specified in the URL. If that responds
quicker than any of your siblings or parents, then it fetches the page

My guess would be that for some reason the udp packets being sent to your
local sites aren't being return - either because they are blocked by
router filters, or because those servers have echo disabled.

> - Samath

Received on Thu Jun 12 1997 - 05:19:25 MDT

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