Squid / MS-Proxy

From: Gatt, Noel <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 03:46:17 -0600


Is it possible to build a cache hierarchy using a combination of Squid
1.1.19 and MS-Proxy2 ? Are ICP and CARP inter-operable ?
How does MS-Proxy2 rate compared with Squid (features, performance,
future enhancements, etc).

Any comments are welcome.


Noel Gatt

email : noel.gatt@compaq.com
tel : +49 89 9933 2787

"We live in the shadowlands - the sun always shines on the other side" -
C.S. Lewis
Received on Fri Jan 09 1998 - 01:50:01 MST

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