unexpected bytes.

From: Benarson Behajaina <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 15:11:04 +0100 (MET)

        Hi squid users,

I'm running squid 1.1.20, and my cache.log is full of the "unexpected bytes"
error messages.
What does it mean ? Of course, someone (client) who is connecting to
my proxy uses an unknown software.
1998/03/03 15:01:40| icpDetectClientClose: FD 21, 255 unexpected bytes
1998/03/03 15:01:40| --> from:
1998/03/03 15:01:40| --> data: GET%20/posttop.jpg%20HTTP/1.1%0d%0aAccept:%20*/*%0d%0aReferer:%20http://,sk;q=0.5%0d%0aAccept-Encoding:%20gzip,%20deflate%0d%0aIf-Modified-Since:%20Tue,%2017%20Feb%201998%2002:50:16%20GMT%0d%0aIf-None-Match:%20%223384b-18bc-34e8fae8%22%0d%0aUser-Agen
1998/03/03 15:01:40| icpDetectClientClose: FD 21, 101 unexpected bytes


Received on Tue Mar 03 1998 - 06:31:02 MST

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