Re: Dealing with SPAM

From: David Kelly <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 10:50:31 +0200

At 13:33 31/03/98 -0700, Duane Wessels wrote:
>David J N Begley writes:
>>Duane, could this list be made postings-only-by-members please?
>It could be. I think we would end up cutting out
>more legitimate messages than SPAM, but if enough
>people want squid-users to operate that way I'll set it up.
>Note, my spam policy is to add offending sites/relays to our
>TCP wrappers deny file. It doesn't stop all SPAM, but it does
>prevent repeats from the same source.

I agree. I bet there are a lot of squid users out there who need to post
the occassional cry for help to the list but don't want to wade through 30
odd messages a day being a member of the list.



David Kelly - Systems Administrator - Samara Services
Zimbabwe's leading ISP - Tel: 708059, Fax: 708055
IRC: - ICQ: 3742164
Received on Wed Apr 01 1998 - 00:50:58 MST

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