
From: Markus Storm <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 13:28:04 +0200

Hi fellow followers of the squid,

are there any known bugs about this one in the pipe ?

My 1.2b19 (Solaris 2.6) sometimes lockups: CPU goes to 100%, no more
pages are served.
The load increases (close) to NUMTHREADS, so it's most likely some kind
of deadlock between the threads.
This last for a few seconds and then suddenly switches back to normal
(pages served, load normalizes).

Worse, it still keeps crashing, probably causing most of the corruption
which is then recorded in the cache.log as

1998/04/20 11:04:57| storeSwapInFileOpened: Failed
'/proxy-data/02/75/0000BAC7' for 'http://www.sunflowers.de/rootgfx/button

When crashing, squid suddenly gets very verbose; this is extracted from the

1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataLock: 152b7400
1998/04/20 11:19:34| pumpClose: 152b7400 Server FD 340, Client FD 372
1998/04/20 11:19:34| comm_remove_close_handler: FD 340, handler=51090,
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataUnlock: 152b7400
1998/04/20 11:19:34| storeUnregister: called for
1998/04/20 11:19:34| storeUnregister: store_client for
DsBhgRl|Pump has a callback
1998/04/20 11:19:34| pumpServerCopy: called with size=-1
1998/04/20 11:19:34| pumpServerCopy: freeing and returning
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataFree: 7a4980
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataReallyFree: Freeing 7a4980
1998/04/20 11:19:34| storeAbort: 9DD4346DC36D9DEFE4354B083CB19325
1998/04/20 11:19:34| InvokeHandlers: 9DD4346DC36D9DEFE4354B083CB19325
1998/04/20 11:19:34| storeAbort: F2698C0944FCC49A2C2704B3F9EB6623
1998/04/20 11:19:34| httpAbort: http://video.real.com/SmpDsBhgRl
1998/04/20 11:19:34| comm_close: FD 340
1998/04/20 11:19:34| commCallCloseHandlers: FD 340
1998/04/20 11:19:34| commCallCloseHandlers: ch->handler=39fd4
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataValid: 6c31d20
1998/04/20 11:19:34| storeUnlockObject: key 'F2698C0944FCC49A2C2704B3F9EB6623'
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataFree: 6c31d20
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataFree: 6c31d20 has 2 locks, not freeing
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataUnlock: 6c31d20
1998/04/20 11:19:34| InvokeHandlers: F2698C0944FCC49A2C2704B3F9EB6623
1998/04/20 11:19:34| InvokeHandlers: checking client #0
1998/04/20 11:19:34| storeClientCopy2: F2698C0944FCC49A2C2704B3F9EB6623
1998/04/20 11:19:34| clientSendMoreData: http://video.real.com/SmpDsBhgRl, 0
1998/04/20 11:19:34| clientSendMoreData: FD 372
l', out.offset=0
1998/04/20 11:19:34| clientWriteComplete: FD 372, sz 0, err 0, off 0, len 0
1998/04/20 11:19:34| comm_close: FD 372
1998/04/20 11:19:34| commCallCloseHandlers: FD 372
1998/04/20 11:19:34| commCallCloseHandlers: ch->handler=50e68
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataValid: 152b7400
1998/04/20 11:19:34| pumpFree: FD 372, releasing 152b7400!
1998/04/20 11:19:34| storeUnregister: called for
1998/04/20 11:19:34| storeUnlockObject: key '9DD4346DC36D9DEFE4354B083CB19325'
1998/04/20 11:19:34| storePendingNClients: returning 0
1998/04/20 11:19:34| storeRelease: Releasing:
1998/04/20 11:19:34| destroy_StoreEntry: destroying 73d688
1998/04/20 11:19:34| ctx: enter level 0:
1998/04/20 11:19:34| destroy_MemObject: destroying f112b50
1998/04/20 11:19:34| destroy_MemObjectData: destroying 15262bd0, 38 bytes
1998/04/20 11:19:34| destroying rep: f112a78
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cleaning hdr: f112ab8
1998/04/20 11:19:34| searching for next e in hdr f112ab8 from -1
1998/04/20 11:19:34| no more entries in hdr f112ab8
1998/04/20 11:19:34| ctx: exit level 0
1998/04/20 11:19:34| storeUnlockObject: key 'F2698C0944FCC49A2C2704B3F9EB6623'
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataFree: 152b7400
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataFree: 152b7400 has 2 locks, not freeing
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataUnlock: 152b7400
1998/04/20 11:19:34| commCallCloseHandlers: ch->handler=27e94
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataValid: 152b4e50
1998/04/20 11:19:34| connStateFree: FD 372
1998/04/20 11:19:34| httpRequestFree: http://video.real.com/SmpDsBhgRl
1998/04/20 11:19:34| httpRequestFree:
1998/04/20 11:19:34| mime_get_header: looking for 'Proxy-authorization:'
1998/04/20 11:19:34| diskHandleWrite: FD 64
1998/04/20 11:19:34| storeUnregister: called for
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataFree: 1a94938
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataReallyFree: Freeing 1a94938
1998/04/20 11:19:34| storeUnlockObject: key 'F2698C0944FCC49A2C2704B3F9EB6623'
1998/04/20 11:19:34| storePendingNClients: returning 0
1998/04/20 11:19:34| storeRelease: Releasing:
1998/04/20 11:19:34| destroy_StoreEntry: destroying 152b7690
1998/04/20 11:19:34| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://video.real.com/SmpDsBhgRl'
1998/04/20 11:19:34| destroy_MemObject: destroying 152b76d0
1998/04/20 11:19:34| destroy_MemObjectData: destroying 152b7810, 0 bytes
1998/04/20 11:19:34| destroying rep: 152b7740
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cleaning hdr: 152b7780
1998/04/20 11:19:34| searching for next e in hdr 152b7780 from -1
1998/04/20 11:19:34| no more entries in hdr 152b7780
1998/04/20 11:19:34| ctx: exit level 0
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataFree: 115a8ae0
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataReallyFree: Freeing 115a8ae0
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataFree: 152b4e50
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataFree: 152b4e50 has 1 locks, not freeing
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataUnlock: 152b4e50
1998/04/20 11:19:34| cbdataReallyFree: Freeing 152b4e50

and next entry is

1998/04/20 11:19:39| Starting Squid Cache version 1.2.beta19 for

So has anyone knowledge there, willing to share ?


Received on Mon Apr 20 1998 - 04:34:48 MDT

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