Inside_firewall rule

From: Squid Mailing List <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 12:54:19 +1000

Fellow Squiders,

I have set my proxy to force upstream proxies to obtain traffic by default.
There are two upstream proxies, one of which i have set as a parent with
no-query and the other as a sibling. there are no weights or the like. Next
i have inside_firewall none set and have placed all my internal domains into
the conf file. Now the problem is that squid is not getting the local
domains direct it is forces the upstream proxies to get them and then feeds
them to whomever.

I hope this makes sense :) basically i still want to force the upstream
proxies to get all traffic for me but want the local domains and traffic to
be gotten directly. Any suggestions would be reatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Tim Jennings.
Received on Wed Jun 03 1998 - 19:56:19 MDT

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