Accelerating https

From: Benedikt Fraunhofer <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 17:56:03 +0100 (MET)


We are trying to accelerate a https server - which is in our intranet
- with a squid 2 box with a routeable ip to get access from outside.

The only problem is: if i write a redirector as normally used for
accelerating http servers, squid does rewrite "http://" instead of

I set up the "virtual" acceleration; the proxy listens on the ports 443
and 80. The redirector works for the "normal" acceleration purposes but
not for SSL.

What am I doing wrong or can squid not accelerate https-servers?
Squid can do proxy for https so why cant he accelerate it?


        Benedikt Fraunhofer
        WorNet Internetdienste

Benedikt Fraunhofer      [email protected]
WorNet Internetdienste        Internet               Tel.: 08171/418090
Bgm-Graf-Ring 28              Beratung                Fax: 08171/418099
D-82538 Gelting               Software           Fax.priv: 08171/ 72984
Received on Mon Jan 11 1999 - 09:54:42 MST

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