>I'm gonna restrict user's web-surfing on work time.
> acl security dstdomain unwanted.site.com
> acl beforenoon time MTWHFA 08:30-12:30
> acl afternoon time MTWHF 13:30-18:00
> http_access deny security beforenoon afternoon
> http_access allow all
>It does not worked as I intended.
>What's wrong?
Here my config wich is work for me :
acl password proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl munkaido time MTWHF 08:00-17:00
http_access allow !munkaido FTP-HTTP SSL_ports
http_access allow password FTP-HTTP SSL_ports
http_access deny all
>Are acl lists after http_access allow/deny and'ed or or'ed?
example : http_access allow !munkaido and FTP-HTTP and SSL_ports and ...
>Is time acl is base on local or global time?
I think this is the machine local time.
I think you must be modified your config file :
acl security dstdomain unwanted.site.com
acl beforenoon time MTWHFA 08:30-12:30
acl afternoon time MTWHF 13:30-18:00
http_access deny security beforenoon
http_access deny security afternoon
http_access allow all
I hope this help.
Received on Wed Feb 24 1999 - 01:19:51 MST
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