Re: Problems with peer misses after 2.1P2 to 2.2S3 upgrade.

From: David Malone <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 10:01:19 +0100

> > I upgraded from 2.1P2 to 2.2S3 on Friday, and now our peers
> > (who may not fetch misses) are getting the "ERR_FORWARDING_DENIED"
> > message. The logs show that squid is claiming that it is in the
> > cache on the ICP request, but then rejects the GET request as
> > a TCP_REFRESH_MISS. For example:
> a) Perhaps you have enabled icp_hit_stale?

I have it commented out, and I think the default is off.

> b) Or your peers are using stricter refresh rules than you do.

This is very possible. Has there been some change in the way this is
delt with between 2.1P2 and 2.2S3? Before Friday TCP_REFRESH_MISS:NONE
doesn't crop up in our log files at all, and how there are lots of
them. None of our peers would have upgraded at the same time.

> c) Or they are trying to use you as a parent.

Unless 3 other caches conspired to change their configuration
on the same day as I upgraded ;-) Nah, we're getting UDP_MISSes
which aren't followed by GETs, so I don't think that can be it.

Received on Thu May 27 1999 - 03:04:42 MDT

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