Odd proxy chaining problem

From: Williams Jon <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 14:54:46 -0500

I've got a chain that consists of a Netscape 3.5 proxy running on NT that
users talk to, an intermediary Squid (2.1PATCH2) that only other caches talk
to, and a Network Appliance NetCache. On a particular site, which appears
to be running IIS 3.0, I can successfully and quickly get the first two
screens in a series of ASP pages, but the third page times out on the
Netscape server. All three pages come from the same machine name.

Since I run the servers, I was able to do testing, and I've found that the
only configuration in which the problem exists is in the above. If I chain
two Squids and the NetApp, three Squids, a Squid a Netscape (on Unix) and a
NetApp (you get the picture), I can get the third page quite fast. In fact,
if I point my browser directly at the middle cache, it works fine!

I've done some network traces, and I see that the NetApp box does download
the page and send it to the Squid box, which receives it, but for some
reason, it doesn't pass the page on to the Netscape box, and I can't figure
out why.

We're using Squirm to do some minor ad removal, doing some authentication
with some custom code, and using SmartFilter for site blocking, but I've
tried turning all three off to no avail.

Has anyone run into this? Any suggestions as to what to check next?


Received on Tue Jun 15 1999 - 13:41:07 MDT

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