Re: Odd proxy chaining problem

From: David S. Madole <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:14:41 -0400

Williams Jon wrote:
> I've got a chain that consists of a Netscape 3.5 proxy running on NT that
> users talk to, an intermediary Squid (2.1PATCH2) that only other caches talk
> to, and a Network Appliance NetCache. On a particular site, which appears
> to be running IIS 3.0, I can successfully and quickly get the first two
> screens in a series of ASP pages, but the third page times out on the
> Netscape server. All three pages come from the same machine name.
> Since I run the servers, I was able to do testing, and I've found that the
> only configuration in which the problem exists is in the above. If I chain
> two Squids and the NetApp, three Squids, a Squid a Netscape (on Unix) and a
> NetApp (you get the picture), I can get the third page quite fast. In fact,
> if I point my browser directly at the middle cache, it works fine!

Is the request a post with a content-length of zero? This sounds exactly
like a problem I had with this. 2.1PATCH2 doesn't handle it right - it
only shows up under a certain condition I don't remember - I think if
of the request headers are not in one packet. Anyway, Netscape proxy
generates whatever the problem is, and Netscape Browser does not.

If this is the case, I fixed mine with one of Henrik's patches (thanks,

Hope this is it, it worked for me.

Received on Tue Jun 15 1999 - 16:02:46 MDT

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