Re: squid-1.NOVM.22

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 16:23:10 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Glenn Chisholm wrote:

> > For those situations where 2.2.STABLE[23] isn't stable (massive memory
> > leaks), what's the next best version to try?
> WHat platform are you using, which malloc, what are your squid.conf
> settings, what did you use as your configure parameters and what is your
> basis for concluding this is a memory leak?

Red Hat Linux 5.2, upgraded first to 2.2.7, later to 2.2.9 kernels, as
well as the packages Red Hat recommends upgrading in order to use the
2.2.x kernels. Squid has been first 2.2.Stable2, then 2.2.Stable3.

Squid was configured with just ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/squid

Which conf file settings are you interested in?

I posted about this a few weeks ago, and was told that there have been a
small number of other people seeing large leaks.

----don't waste your cpu, crack team enzo---
 Jon Lewis **| Spammers will be winnuked or
 System Administrator | nestea'd...whatever it takes
 Atlantic Net | to get the job done.
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Received on Tue Jun 15 1999 - 14:09:14 MDT

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