Re: "WRANING: Can not run dnsserver process"

From: Karl Schaffarczyk <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 99 10:44:03 +1000

>Hi all
> I am using squid 2.2 stable3. There is a message in cache.log
>"WRANING: Can not run dnsserver process". I have checked and verify all
>permissions, all are correct, along with it I have unabled to use "Client"
>on squid computer when I try to use it it gives the message" cannot connect
>to localhost:3128: Connection Refused", although other computer can access
>web through squid on port 3128. Pls help me.
>Shahanwaz Ali

try to configure the browser on the squid box to use the hosts full name
rather than localhost.

It sounds as if you have bound squid to a specific IP, and therefore
squid will not be available on the loopback interface.


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Received on Fri Jun 18 1999 - 18:22:28 MDT

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