Squid & caching cookie related stuff.

From: Charles C. Figueiredo <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 16:01:58 -0500 (EST)


        I'm trying to determine the viability of an idea for our squid
caches. I'll offer some quick background as to our environment, before
mentioning what I'm wondering about -- and yes, I have looked through the
FAQ for cookie related information. (The entry I found provided a tidbit
of ambiguous information) :-)

        We have a cluster of squid2 caches accessed through a VIP on a
Big/IP box. These squids also run named locally, to trick them into
thinking the IP of 'www' is the IP of the VIP of a Story Server cluster
that sits behind these caches. Anyhow, the caches currently cache images
and such for the site, but html related things are all passed onto the web

        We have a generic cookie system, which, essentially manages a
person's country location, and the language they speak. These cookies
aren't very personal, or contain any other data, they're identical for
large amounts of subscribers at a time, they simply associate them with a
country and language. For example, 1 million users may have a cookie
designating them as Portuguese-speaking and in Brazil. When our CGI's read
this cookie, at the web servers behind the caches, they spit back a 302
redirect to http://www.br...com.

        What I'm interested in doing, and looking for thoughts on the best
or most elegant way of going about it is: How can I get a squid cache,
when it sees this small group of generic cookies (there's only a few
possible combinations) to spit out the 302 redirect itself, rather than
passing the traffic on to the web servers?


        Charles C. Figueiredo
Received on Wed Mar 01 2000 - 14:11:05 MST

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