FW: multipart/x-mixed-replace - Heavy traffic and squid overload!

From: Andreas Achtzehn <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 16:53:03 +0100

> Is there a possibility to stop squid from caching the
image-content? I
> already tried adding a pragma-meta-tag to the responsible
html-file, but
> squid doesn't react.
> Any help, same experience, solutions? It could become a
 serious problem
> (a never-ending stream between two fast servers means, of
 course, high
> traffic on the line).

> squid is already hardcoded to NOT cache responses that have
> content type "multipart/x-mixed-replace".

> I'd be interested to see how this looked in your access.log >file.
> But I suppose you rebooted before it got logged.

> Duane W.

I probably did not describe my current problem right. Squid doesn't
cache the image-content,
but I never stops sucking the file from the net. If I use a direct
connection and press the stop-button in my browser (or switch to another
site) the stream stops and the perl-script terminates.
But if I use a squid-server, the server keeps the connection alive even
after I have pressed the stop-button in my browser. Squid doesn't stop
to retrieve the file as Netscape does.
I guess I have to change some setting of the web-server to let it notice
that the user doesn't want the file anymore. Do you know any possible
solution? (I probably can't change the squid.confs of all users or ask
them to turn off the proxy.)

|"Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas."               |
|               - Vergil (Georgica II 489)                 |
|>The one is happy who can recognize the reason of it all.<|
Received on Fri Mar 17 2000 - 09:59:34 MST

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