Error Messages at start up

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 12:53:18 -0500

I have set squid up to act as an accelerator for another box that acts as a
web server here.

As such the only thing that I have in my squid.conf is:

http_port xxxx

httpd_accel_port 80

When I start squid I get a string of error saying that there is no ACL in
line 9, etc. At the end it says "ignored" and the service starts and runs.
I can connect to the box running squid with the browser and it does bring up
the pages correctly.

I had acl's in my prior squid.conf but deleted them. Do I need to flush the
rule set or do I actually need to set acls lists in the conf file?

I've reboot, etc. but they come up every time I start it.

Received on Tue Aug 08 2000 - 11:54:17 MDT

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