[SQU] SQuid & Linux on iMac DV

From: Morten R�nseth <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 13:59:20 +0200

I' ve just compiled and installed squid-2.3.STABLE4 on my Yellow Dog Linux
Champion Server 1.2r, all OK. Created swap directories with '-z' as usual,
all OK.
I do a /usr/local/squid/bin/squid -NCd1 and get:

2000/09/07 21:09:12| Starting Squid Cache version 2000/09/07 21:09:12|
Starting Squid Cache version 2.3.STABLE4 for powerpc-
 for (null)...
2000/09/07 21:09:12| Process ID 160
2000/09/07 21:09:12| With 36 file descriptors available
2000/09/07 21:09:12| Performing DNS Tests...
2000/09/07 21:09:12| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2000/09/07 21:09:12| DNS Socket created on FD 2050
Segmentation fault

/usr/local/squid/logs says:

2000/09/07 21:09:12| Starting Squid Cache version 2.3.STABLE4 for
2000/09/07 21:09:12| Process ID 10714
2000/09/07 21:09:12| With 1024 file descriptors available
2000/09/07 21:09:12| Performing DNS Tests...
2000/09/07 21:09:12| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
2000/09/07 21:09:12| DNS Socket created on FD 4
2000/09/07 21:09:12| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf

Anybody know why squid wont run? I've set up user/group squid/squid and
chown/chgrp everyrhing. Running with '-D' doesn't help.
Are there any special configure directives I should use? I just did a
straight ./configure.


Coil AS http://www.coil.no
Morten Lerskau R�nseth mailto:morten.ronseth@coil.no
Karenslyst All� 16d Tlf.: (47) 2254 1820
0278 Oslo Fax : (47) 2254 1821
Norway Mob.: (47) 9343 4357
                                 ICQ : 25163080

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Received on Fri Sep 08 2000 - 06:03:25 MDT

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