RE: [SQU] Secure Authentication

From: Ounsted, Toby <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 14:09:16 +0100

Can anyone give an update on how well the NTLM stuff is going? I read the
announcement at the end of August about it's availability but have held back
whilst it's classified as 'development' rather than 'production'. I ran
Squid very happily in my previous job but have had to hold back so far in
this one as NT Authentication is a prerequisite for a proxy service (Bah!).



 -----Original Message-----
From: Chemolli Francesco (USI) []
Sent: 08 September 2000 07:58
To: 'Henrik Nordstrom'; Byron Peterson
Subject: RE: [SQU] Secure Authentication

> Byron Peterson wrote:
> >
> > Are there any ways to do proxy authentication securely?
> If you are talking about not sending the login+password in plain text:
> Sponsor implementing digest authentication in Squid, and then
> make sure
> the users are using browser versions which are new enought to support
> it..

In this respect, the NTLM project is sort-of-secure, as the client-squid
protocol uses a challenge-response system. It only works with Internet
Exploder of course. Check the ntlm-devel-projects. There are plans
to extend it to support digest authentication, but first we want
to get NTLM right.

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Received on Fri Sep 08 2000 - 07:19:18 MDT

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