RE: [SQU] NetBIOS Name Problem ( urgent )

From: Ilker Gokhan <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 10:53:18 +0300

Hi Pedro,
Did you set up SAMBAPREFIX correctly on your box before run make? If
nmblookup and smbclient are on /usr/bin. you should set SAMBAPREFIX=/usr in
the Makefile..

Greetings from Istanbul,
Ilker G.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jos� Pedro Ribeiro []
>Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 6:39 PM
>To: ''
>Subject: [SQU] NetBIOS Name Problem ( urgent )
>Hi! My name's Pedro and i'm from PORTUGAL.
>I've set up a proxy server, running under RedHat 6.2, using
>Squid, and it's
>working fine, but i wish to have the log files authenticated
>by user login.
>I'm trying to use the smb_auth software and i've followed the steps
>described to join the NT domain ( The PDC is an NT Server ) and have
>successfully joined the domain, but i can't get a valid authentication.
>Here's what i get when i try this:
>> smb_auth -W NBPORTO -d
>> cmj cmj2000
>Domain name: NBPORTO
>Pass-through authentication: no
>Query address options:
>Domain controller IP address:
>Domain controler NETBIOS name:
>I've followed all the steps described in the "Joining an NT Domain with
>Samba 2.0" article, plus the ones on smb_auth from the author of the
>program, and i can't understand why can't the NetBIOS name of
>the PDC be
>Also, if i try using nmblookup, i get successful answer for the machine
>names, but get a warnig message, telling me this:
>"Unkown parameter encountered: "domain controller"
>Ignoring Unkown parameter "domain controller"
>Also if i try nmblookup -d -i Gandalf ( proxy server name ), there' no
>positive answer, but with this command, using other host names
>i get the IP
>address associated to the name.
>Can anyone help on this? I'm sure someone must have tried to do this.
>Thanks in advance.
> Pedro Ribeiro

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Received on Tue Sep 19 2000 - 01:52:57 MDT

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