Hi to all,
I use configuration settings as below to run my squid with httd accelerator.
But If i configure my browser using proxy setting. I get *forbidden* (403)
error as below. -->proxy IP adress
linkrkprx2 -->proxy hostname
intraserver.sumerbank.com.tr-->web server
976530276.606 2 TCP_MISS/403 1058 GET
http://intraserver.sumerbank.com.tr/blank.gif - NONE/- -
976530276.608 6 ilker.sumerbank.com.tr TCP_MISS/403 1112 GET
http://linkrkprx2.sumerbank.com.tr/blank.gif -
DIRECT/linkrkprx2.sumerbank.com.tr text/html
If i dont configure my browser using proxy,squid runs correct with httpd
accelator. Then i can browse my web server over my proxy.
http_port 80 3128
acl lan172 src
acl accHost dst
acl accPort port 80
http_access allow accHost accPort
http_access allow lan172
http_access deny all
httpd_accel_host intraserver.sumerbank.com.tr
httpd_accel_port 80
httpd_accel_with_proxy on
httpd_accel_uses_host_header off
Ilker G.
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