Re: [squid-users] squid closing connections

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: 19 Feb 2003 15:07:14 +0100

ons 2003-02-19 klockan 13.34 skrev Bilal:
> Hi,
> When using persistent connections, does Squid close a socket connection
> with the user (browser) after an idle time has elapsed (during which, no
> requests or responses were communicated) or does the browser ( in the
> request header) inform squid to close the socket connection?


> if squid closes a socket connection with the user( browser) after an
> idle time, does it send it a message informing it that it is closing the
> socket?

Yes and no. HTTP is ontop of TCP which includes a final message when a
connetion is closed (FIN).

HTTP in iself does not have a close message when closing idle

Henrik Nordstrom <>
MARA Systems AB, Sweden
Received on Wed Feb 19 2003 - 07:07:29 MST

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